Be Of Good Cheer
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:38
Know that you are My child and My Presence is with you. I have not called you to worry, but to rest in Me. I know your concerns and I know there is a deep darkness upon the earth. But know I have overcome the darkness. Darkness is being pushed back and the light is flooding in. You can look to My face as this takes place and I will keep you in rest. Start your day with Me, and encounter Me as your daily worship and I will keep you in rest. I will reveal those things to you that you need to move in, and I will reveal My heart of love to you. My desire for your love will not change. It is in those times of communion that you will be charged with the strength and the fire of My Spirit.
Know that you do not stand in this world alone. In the world is tribulation but be of good cheer. I Am He that has already overcome. You are always in this place of victory with Me and looking to your eternal home. You are My witnesses of My kingdom on earth and you will begin to look like Me on the earth. Yes, these are days of great sorrows, but in My people who operate from My kingdom, there shall be great joy.