He Will Make Himself Known to the Nations
“Oh, that You would rend the heavens, that You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence— as fire burns brushwood, as fire causes water to boil— to make Your name known to Your adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Your presence.” (Isaiah 64:1,2)
Know that you are Mine, I Am yours. You are My beloved child and I will not forsake you. Know that this day is a shaking of all the earth. After all has been shaken, that which cannot be shaken will stand and I will move in all the earth. My people who cry out to Me day and night will see those things that they cry out for Me to do. I will draw all people unto Me and many will come. They shall move quickly to be the light of the world and I will carry this light into all the parts of the world. It is time for My kingdom to radiate and be known. Many will call upon Me, but all will not yield. Then there shall be signs in the heavens that reveal who I Am. My time is at hand and My grace is extended. Ask Me for the nations and I will answer you. Call upon Me to save, for My hand is now extended to those who will received it. It is a time of great manifestations of My grace. Fear not when you see the darkness around you, but know My own are safe in My hand. It is a time of great sorrow and great joy. But these things must come for My kingdom to be received and established. You, My people shall know Me and shine in this time. You will shine as those who have answers and as those who show My love.