The Father Poured His Love in Our Hearts
“Now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. For when we were without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” (Romans 5:5,6)
Know that My love for you is what you feel for your own children, only so much more. My Son is the embodiment of My love for you. He came that you might know Me and choose Me, that you may spend eternity with Me. It is there that there will be no more parting or longing to be together. You shall spend eternity with your loved ones and those I have brought into your lives to share My kingdom. Fix your mind on this and all things eternal. This is the reality of My kingdom, and know that the fullness of My kingdom is close at hand. Rejoice at what I give to you, for only I can bring the joy of life eternal. My people shall know the hope of life that I give, and only I can give life eternal. You are My beloved, bought with a price. My love has been poured into your heart and you shall extend My love to those I give to you and bring into your path.