His Promises Are Yes and Amen
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
I enjoy our times together, just as you enjoy your family. Know that I have made the way open for you to come to Me and receive of all that My Son has provided. You do not need to carry cares because I care for you. I have made a place for you to live united with Me and to be free of cares and worries. Yes, I Am the Lord who causes all things to be, and I Am the Lord who heals your body and your mind to be just as I created them. My own have this place of assurance with Me where My promises are yes and amen. Live in the expectation of My promises. My Son has made the way for you to be one with Me, and sit with Me in heavenly places.