He Will Show His Favor in This Day
“Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in Him; and the king thought to setting him over the whole realm.” (Daniel 6:3)
Yes, I have called those to show My favor in this day and they will stand up and stand out for Me. I will use them to glorify Me and accomplish great things for My kingdom. They shall be known as those who serve the Living God, and My protection and favor will rest upon them. Just as Daniel stood up to his critics and accusers, My people will stand for all that is righteous in this day. I will use them to establish My kingdom on the earth. I have equipped My people with knowledge and authority in My Name, and they shall reign in the areas where I have placed them. Do not be conformed to the culture of this day, but be the light of My kingdom that shines in the darkness. I will surely shine My light to bring the changes that I have decreed.
Yes, the changes will come, but you must hold fast to your decrees and declarations of My Word. It is I who will bring the victory and the establishment of My kingdom on the earth. Give praise as you see these things happening and know that the victory has been won.