Walk In Love As Christ Has Loved Us
“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” (Ephesians 5:1,2)
Know that the time I share with you is sweet to Me. My own have a place in Me where they may come and be enriched in My love. It is in those times where we communicate heart to heart that you are built up into that which I have ordained you to be. I have desired to have a body of believers who will find their place in Me and be My love poured out to the world. Know that this is a day of power and it shall be done through My love. My Son exemplified My love as He layed down His life for those who would receive Him and be called by His Name, which is above all other names. He saw this day and rejoiced that they would receive His Name and be sons and daughters that shall rule and reign in My kingdom which is everlasting. We long to receive you unto us. My kingdom is now, but is only seen through those who partake of Me. Soon it shall be seen by all on the earth. Deliverance has come and I use My own to speak and declare what is true. My light goes forward to illuminate the darkness and cause the kingdom of this world to fall.