For Such a Time As This
“Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth.” (Psalms 110:3)
I have called you for such a time as this, to know My Name, to be led by My Spirit, and to spread the good news of My kingdom. Yes, this is a new day in My kingdom. My own will walk in My fullness and freely share My love and grace to a lost generation. I will do mighty things in this day and my own who know My Name shall rise up with healing in My Name. They shall go out with joy to share the salvation of the Lord and they shall see the fruit of their lips and their hands come to fruition. My Name shall be proclaimed throughout the earth and My kingdom established. It is a day of My power and I have My own in place for such a time as this. My Spirit will go forward and draw many to Me. They will be raised up quickly and give out quickly to others who are seeking My truth.
Practice and speak what I have stored in your heart. My Word in your mouth is alive and active to accomplish what I have planned for this season. Know that as you pray and speak My words, I Am there to fulfill them.