A Time of Healing Upon the Earth
“But to those who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings;
And you shall go out and grow fat like stall fed calves.”
(Malachi 4:2)
Child of Mine,
You shall follow in My footsteps this day as I lead My own to victories. You will declare My Word and walk in the realm that I lead you. There My kingdom will be established and many on earth will be drawn to the miracles that will take place. I have called My own to this and I have prepared them for this time. As you read what My Son did during His time on earth, My own will rise up at this time to follow His ways and walk in His footsteps. Yes, it is the time of My glory on earth to be fulfilled and those I have prepared will carry it. They will shine with My light and My love will emminate from them. They will move with compassion and be bold with My Word.
Rejoice that you see this time and know that many longed to see it and many have prayed for this time on earth.