Do Not Despise Small Beginnings
“For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.” (Zechariah 4:10)
I have come that you may have light and not walk in darkness. I Am the Light and those who have received Me shall walk in My light and be a light to the world. My children who know My name will do those things I put on their heart and they will prosper in those things. Do not despise small beginnings and the smallest gestures that I inspire. For it is those small beginnings that I can use and bring forth great accomplishments. For all that I need is a seed sown to bring forth a huge plant. I Am He who waters and nourishes and I will complete what I begin in your life. Do not fear when you feel the urge to take a step forward, for I Am with you. My sheep know My voice, they listen and follow. I lead them into green pastures where they find fulfillment and their heart’s desire.